Stanford Medicine Alliance for Disability Inclusion and Equity (SMADIE)* is thrilled to announce the official launch, coming in February 2022, of our Disability in Medicine Mentorship Program. Stanford is accepting applications for the program and hope all those interested will apply!
*Previously named Stanford Medicine Abilities Coalition (SMAC).
The SMADIE Disability in Medicine Mentorship Program is open to the public and follows our year-long Disability in Medicine Mentorship Pilot Program (conducted in collaboration with Stanford Medicine Alliance for Disability Inclusion and Equity, Society for Physicians with Disabilities, and Medical Students with Disability and Chronic Illness), which met monthly (Jan 2021- Jan 2022) to discuss various dimensions of disability and the experiences of people with disabilities in medicine.
The SMADIE Disability in Medicine Mentorship meetings will occur monthly, on the third Wednesday of each month, as did the pilot program. Each meeting will center around a particular theme and feature a guest speaker or facilitator with expertise in that topic. Meetings typically include both small-group conversations and main room discussions.
To maintain program coherence and organization we ask that everyone interested apply to participate using the following survey link. All responses are confidential. The application is brief and should take less than 5 minutes.
Application link:
We hope that applicants/attendees will be able to make the majority of the monthly meetings to maximize the benefit for them and to give the group a sense of community and cohesion.